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Cannonry, garnets and nails

Research into archaeologic and historic objects.

Most of the research into archaeological and historical utilitarian objects described below was conducted at the request of external parties and hence, strictly speaking, falls outside the Research Agenda.

Cyanoacrylate as a finish layer results in lustre and crystal formation.

Cyanoacrylate as a finish layer results in lustre and crystal formation on archaeological bronze. Optical microscope photograph.

Due to the interesting overlap with the PhD research of Janneke Nienhuis into archaeological bronze, which was carried out under the Agenda, it was nevertheless decided to include these projects in this publication.

Three clusters

The sub-projects involving archaeological or historical utilitarian objets are directly or indirectly associated with each other, for example, through the investigated materials (bronze, garnets, textiles and ceramics) or through their fabrication period. There are three distinct clusters:

Read all information about the individual clusters using the links to the right of this page >>